Heat Stroke

Heat Stroke 🐾☀️💦

With the weather being hotter, we must be mindful of our pet’s and their bodies. Most pups will go, go, go and need to be told to take a break. As dog owners, it is our responsibility to keep a close eye on them in the heat.

Signs of overheating:
🐾 Continued panting
🐾 Anxiety, pacing, whining
🐾 Wanting to lie down a lot
🐾 Slowing down/ refusing activity

Signs of Heat Stroke/ severely over heating:
☀️ Depression
☀️ Staggering
☀️ Can not stand or walk
☀️ Mental dullness
☀️ blue/pale gum color
☀️ unresponsive
☀️ blindness
☀️ seizures
☀️ unconscious

If your pet starts to exhibit ANY of these symptoms while out in the heat, you need to act fast.


💦 Slowly move them out of the heat and into the shade/indoors.
💦 Place in front of fan or AC
💦 If you are not home, you can drive around with the windows down for some cool air moving.
💦 Do NOT dunk or spray your pet with cold water! This can cause them to go into shock. Instead, dab their paws, ears and belly with room temperature water.
💦 Offer small amounts of room temperature water to drink. Do NOT let them chug a lot of water at once!

If you have ANY questions, please contact your veterinarian. ☺️

Leah Senecal

Canine Fitness Unleashed


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