Seminars and Workshops

  • Puppy Fitness Seminar

    This seminar is meant for ANYONE with a puppy or who plans to get one in the future! Whether you plan on having a sporting dog or just a perfect family pup, this work shop is meant for you!

    What you will learn:

    Puppy Fitness! You will learn exercises that are safe for your puppy as they grow.

    Exercises is so important to puppies to help with balance, proprioception, and

    confidence building! We will discuss why some exercises are okay and why others are


    Hip dysplasia in puppies. Can this be prevented?

    What are growth plates? When do they close?

    How old does my puppy need to be before we can start taking them on runs or long

    walks with me?

    How long training sessions should be. Do NOT burn out your puppy!

    When can I start training my sporting puppy?

    Every day activities that can cause major problems for your puppy while growing. What

    should you avoid? (Are hills, ramps, stairs, or jumping off furniture okay to do?)

    When can my puppy start swimming?

    Working Spots (Bring your puppy to practice exercises that we discuss!!

    Auditing Spots (Come watch, listen and learn!)

  • Everything Agility!

    Do you love agility??? This workshop is for YOU! We will be working on everything from proper warm ups, cool downs and everything in between.

    **Age: 6 Months and up

    Trainers: Megan Maholsic (Agility instructor) and Leah Senecal (Canine Fitness Instructor)

    Each dog will work individually with Leah on a proper warm up and cool down that works for them while Megan works on agility skills! This entire workshop if based on what is best for you and your dog.

    When signing up for class we want to know what YOU want to work on when it comes to agility. You will be able to choose what you specifically want to work on so Megan knows ahead of time the best way to help you and your pup.

    Having a hard time with contacts?

    Need work on backsides or threadles?

    Distance work?


    Start line proofing?

    Anything you can think of!!!

  • Senior Dog Fitness Seminar

    This seminar is for anyone that has a senior pet or wants to get ahead of the game before their pet becomes a senior. People that foster senior dogs may be interested in this as well. You will learn proper stretching, strengthening and enrichment ideas that are safe for senior dogs of all sizes. Let’s keep those senior pups happy and healthy in their golden years!

    Next Seminar for this topic will be:

    Sat Sept 2nd 1:30 PM @ Noble Beast Training Facility in North Tonawanda, NY.

    $80 / 2 hr workshop for a working spot

    $50 for an auditing spot.

  • Obedience Dog Fitness Seminar

    This workshop is meant for anyone that does basic

    obedience, rally, competition obedience, protection

    work or anything that involves an obedience portion

    to their sport.

    Your pet does not have to be in any of these sports to come to the seminar. If you think you want to do some sort of obedience with your pup in the future, come check it out!

    They will learn different types of target work, body

    awareness, strengthening for jumps, advanced

    pivoting work and stride work.

  • Weekend Warrior Seminar!

    This workshop is meant for anyone that has a “pet” dog!

    Whether they go for regular walks, hikes, play with other dogs or even just lay on the couch! This exercise program is easy enough for anyone to do and it will help keep your pup feeling great long term, help prevent injuries and create a stronger bond with you!

  • Warm Ups and Cool Downs

    This Seminar is meant for the agility dog for competition AND practice.

    Warm ups and cool downs can make a big difference in you and your pets performance.

    Topics discussed:

    What are the benefits?

    Where do I start?

    Are all warm ups and cool downs the same for every dog?

    Individualized programs discussed with owners.

  • Confidence in Motion

    This seminar is meant to build up the confidence of your dog whether you do sports with them or not. This is for any dog and any age! It will be tailored to your specific dog.

    Is your dog nervous about obstacles in sports such as agility?

    Loud noises scare them?

    Distracted by other dogs/people at competition?

    Is your dog shy in general?

    Do you have an impulsive dog that tries to rush through everything?

    This seminar is meant to be FUN! You will learn confidence building games that will benefit you and your dog.