Pet Pain Awareness Month

September is pet pain awareness month. This is a very important topic.

How do we know if our pets are in pain? Some love to hide it so well! How are we able to keep up on this and notice pain?

Some signs of pain:

1) limping/gait is off
2) can’t weave, knocking bars, avoiding contacts in agility
3) not jumping as far in dock diving
4) running slower
5) bite/grip is not consistent
6) holding head down
7) arch in back
8) licking specific areas of the body (especially joints)
9) not eating
10) restless at night
11) panting/licking lips
12) clingy
13) slow to get up or slow to lay down
14) sloppy position changes
15) being “stubborn” when asking them to do a certain task

There are SO many signs our pets can show us that they are painful. Some show more dramatic signs than others. If you are EVER worried that your dog is off in any way, be their advocate. Take them to be seen by someone. If you are unhappy with that answer, see someone else. You know your dog better than anyone else. Let’s keep them going for as long as we can!

Leah Senecal

Canine Fitness Unleashed


Rest Days
